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Everything that is customs...
both at home and abroad
Gerő Iroda Ltd.
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During the export procedure, domestic, i.e., EU goods leave the customs territory of the Union, thereby losing their EU status and become non-EU (customs) goods...

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After checking the completed customs clearance order and the documents related to the transaction (commercial invoice, packing list documents of origin), the customs clearance procedure begins. If we detect any deficiencies, missing details/documents, we will report back to the customers immediately. We communicate to our customers the completion of the necessary documents and how (and from where) can they can obtain them and if necessary, provide additional information about the requirements.

Basically, two customs offices are involved in the procedure. The customs office of export, who finishes the export customs document we created and the customs office of exit (at one of the borders). At the export customs office, we propose the export customs clearance, and at the border the EU goods are exited from the European Union and the exit is certified.